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Non - Technical Event
Jumbo Ludo
49 per person
Participant Type:
Team of: 3
Dept: Bio-Medical

LH - 26


27.04.2024 (1.30 p.m - 3.15 p.m)

Staff Coordinator:

Ms. Divya Jenifar, AP/ BME

Student Coordinator - 1:

Vaishnavi, III BME - 6384625356

Student Coordinator - 2:

Shamili, III BME - 9843154242


Embark on a lively journey of strategic moves and friendly competition as you play the beloved board game of Ludo with real people from around the world, all from the comfort of your own device.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Per team 3 players
  2. 2 members will be inside the box for playing and 1 member will roll the dice
Registration closed