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Non - Technical Event
50 per person
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Electronics and Communication

LH 47 - Ist Floor


27.04.2024 (10.30 onwards)

Staff Coordinator:

Mr.Naveen kumar

Student Coordinator - 1:

Aravind,II ECE - 8778196144

Student Coordinator - 2:

Tanisha,II ECE - 8778196144


Welcome to the Elite League,Step into the excitement of our non-technical event where entrepreneurship meets strategy and teamwork. This three-round competition is designed to test your skills in bidding, salesmanship, and entrepreneurial pitch. Step into the excitement of our non-technical event.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Round 1: Bidding & Buying the auctioned products using the fake money
  2. Round 2: Selling the products using your marketing skills to the customers
  3. Round 3: Express your Entrepreneurship skills and strategic tactics to showcase your marketing skills
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