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Technical Event
50 per person
Participant Type:
Team of: 2
Dept: Electronics and Communication

LH 47 - Ist Floor


26.04.2024 (1.30pm onwards)

Staff Coordinator:


Student Coordinator - 1:

Adharsha Karthika,II ECE - 8838430175


Dive into the intricacies electrifying experience at our Debugging Fest tailored for budding engineers in the field of Electronics and Communication! Get ready to unleash your problem-solving prowess and dive deep into the world of circuits, signals, and systems.Utilize Hardware tools to identify and resolve issues in electronic designs, providing a virtual playground for experimenting with different scenarios.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Round 1: Design and implementation of circuits using logic gates by ensuring seamless creation of identical inputs
  2. Round 2 : To verify the Proper connection and direction of current flow in the Circuit
  3. Round 3: Participants has to design and construct fully functional model of the digital circuits using the components provided
  4. A team may consist of a maximum of two members
  5. Selecting criteria for next rounds includes Timing and effectiveness of circuit building
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