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Technical Event
Participant Type:
Team of: 6
Dept: Information Technology



26.03.2024 (2 PM to 3.30)

Staff Coordinator:

Ms.Sugashini /AP

Student Coordinator - 1:

Dhayal, II IT - 6383519097


Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure filled with puzzles, challenges, and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Team Size: Each team can consist of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6
  2. Time Limit: Each team will have a set amount of time, typically 60 minutes, to solve all the puzzles and escape the room
  3. Late arrivals may result in a reduced time limit
  4. No External Devices: Participants are not allowed to use any external electronic devices, including smartphones, tablets, or laptops, unless explicitly permitted by the event organizers
  5. Hints and Clues: Teams may receive hints or clues from the event organizers if they get stuck on a particular puzzle
  6. However, excessive hints may result in time penalties