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Technical Event
ConnectTech Rally
49 per person
Participant Type:
Team of: 2
Dept: Bio-Medical

LH - 26


26.04.2024 (1.30 p.m - 2.40 p.m)

Staff Coordinator:

Ms. Aruna, AP/ BME

Student Coordinator - 1:

Saran, II BME - 9345767118

Student Coordinator - 2:

Kavisri, III BME - 9500666429


It is 2 level game. Questions will be displayed in the screen. Level 1 >Biomedical related images will be displayed on the screen. >15 questions will be given for the players. Level 2 >Selected team in the first level will move on to level 2. >10 questions will be given for the players.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. It is basically two level game
  2. The team selected in level 1 will go to level 2
  3. Only two members are allowed for per team
  4. You are not allowed to use your mobile
  5. The team must come to the provided venue on time
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