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Technical Event
Image insight
99 per person
Participant Type:
Team of: 2
Dept: Artificial Intelligence and Data Science



27.04.2024 (10:00 AM to 11:30 AM )

Staff Coordinator:


Student Coordinator - 1:

Ms.Yamini.R (II-AI&DS) - 9677460089

Student Coordinator - 2:

Ms.Rajasri Sneha.S.C (II-AI&DS) - 9786559770


Calling all curious minds! Dive into a visual adventure where you’ll uncover hidden issues within a series of images. Share your unique perspective on the issues depicted, and brainstorm creative solutions to solve those issues. This is your chance to turn observation into innovation!How the event works: -> The game consists of three levels. -> When an image puzzle is presented, participants must solve it. -> Each correct submission will be awarded points. -> Additional points will be awarded based on the order of submission (e.g., 1-30pts, 2-25pts, etc.). -> The teams with the highest points will be selected to proceed to the next round.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Participants are requested to bring their own laptops/mobiles
  2. Each team can have at most 2 members
  3. Each team must submit their answers in the provided Google Forms
  4. Only top submissions are awarded points
Registration closed