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Technical Event
Capture the Flag
75 per person
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Cyber Security



26.04.2024 (10.00 AM - 1.00 PM)

Staff Coordinator:

Mr.S.YaswanthRaj AP/CSE(CS)

Student Coordinator - 1:

Nivash.M (II-CSE[CS]) - 8248464355

Student Coordinator - 2:

Aashik Harishwar ML (II-CSE[CS]) - 9489917779


Capture the Flag (CTF) in computer security is an exercise in which participants attempt to find text or strings, called "flags", which are secretly hidden in purposefully-vulnerable programs or websites.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Phones not allowed
  2. Computer will be provided
  3. If you are intrested you can bring your laptop
  4. Individual participation only
  5. Prerequesties: Basic linux commands must
  6. The Final decision will be made by the judge
Registration closed