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Non - Technical Event
149 per person
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Bio-Technology

Biotech Lab


27.04.2024 (9.30am to 12:30 pm)

Staff Coordinator:


Student Coordinator - 1:

Mr.YOGESHWARAN,II BT - 9894452453

Student Coordinator - 2:

Mr.MOHAN,II BT - 9445717083


To find impostors among a group, you'd typically look for inconsistencies or behavior that doesn't align with the group's norms. In a game Among Us, for example, players try to identify impostors based on suspicious actions, such as venting, avoiding tasks, or lying about their whereabouts. In a real-life scenario, you might look for discrepancies in stories, body language cues, or actions that seem out of place.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Setup: Players are divided into two groups: Crewmates and Imposters.The number of Imposters depends on the total number of players
  2. Objective: Crewmates aim to complete tasks and identify the Imposters, while Imposters try to eliminate Crewmates without getting caught
  3. Gameplay Rounds:Crewmates complete tasks around the map to progress.Imposters try to sabotage tasks and eliminate Crewmates discreetly
  4. Discussions and Voting: After a certain time or when a body is reported, players discuss and vote to eliminate who they think is the Imposter.Imposters can try to bluff or deflect suspicion during discussions
  5. Winning:Crewmates win by completing all tasks or identifying all Imposters.Imposters win by eliminating enough Crewmates or by causing enough chaos to prevent task completion.
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