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Technical Event
99 per person
Participant Type:
Individual Participant
Dept: Bio-Technology

Biotech Lab


26.04.2024 (9.30am to 12:30 pm)

Staff Coordinator:

Mrs. Vinitha AP/BT, Mr. Santhosh Kumar AP/BT

Student Coordinator - 1:

Ms.SWETHA K III/BT - 8838190063

Student Coordinator - 2:

Ms.SHUBIKSHA III/BT - 9384920678


Experience the cutting-edge technique that's revolutionizing microbiology: streaking sensation in biotechnology. This method, also known as streak plating, is a fundamental step in isolating and identifying microbial colonies, crucial for various applications in research, healthcare, and industry. What makes streaking sensation so effective is its simplicity and precision. By carefully streaking a sample across a sterile agar plate, microbiologists create individual colonies, each representing a single microbial species. This technique enables the isolation of pure cultures, essential for studying specific microbes' characteristics, behaviors, and functions. From diagnosing infections to producing life-saving antibiotics, the streaking sensation plays a vital role in advancing biotechnological discoveries. Its versatility and accuracy make it a cornerstone technique in laboratories worldwide, contributing to groundbreaking developments in medicine, agriculture, environmental science, and beyond. Join the streaking sensation revolution and unlock the secrets of microbial worlds with precision and innovation.

Rules & Regulations:
  1. Participants have to replicate the master plate
  2. Microbes will be provided
  3. Prior knowledge about streaking,microbes and medium is mandatory
  4. Lab coat is mandatory
  5. Duration: 1 hour
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